(403) 930-4848

A Christmas Message from our Executive Director

December 22, 2022

Dear Residents and Family members,

Season’s Greetings!!

During this festive season of giving, let us take time to slow down and enjoy the simple things and just be present.

The last two years have been anything but normal, with some residents being able to spend time with family while others were not due to Covid, and while it is still out there, as we all know, we are in a much safer place now because of vaccines, boosters, and wearing masks, these things do make a difference. Thank you for your diligence.

This past year has flown by so very quickly. We have had many new residents move in that now call Rocky Ridge   Retirement home. As well, we have lost some dear friends along the way, we will remember.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you, your families and to our amazing employees and their families. It really does take a village to get through these things, and I feel honored and privileged to be a part of such an amazing community, we do have the best of the best at Rocky Ridge – Residents and Staff!

I look forward to 2023 with a hopeful heart. We have a lot planned so I hope you are all ready to start dancing again!

From our homes to yours, we wish you all a very Merry  Christmas and a Happy, Healthy Prosperous New Year!


From Vicki and the entire Rocky Ridge Team


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